Digital Book Sources

Digital Books:  If you want to read a whole book, or a long article, you should probably read it inside an app.  start reading Often it is more comfortable to read on a tablet. For longer items, reading apps allow you to highlight and take notes on an article or a book and save them.…

Giving Tuesday. Your Support Makes a Difference.

Giving Tuesday Help children, students & adults struggling with dyslexia and related learning disabilities.                        A little support goes a long way Your contributions to LDRFA, a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization allow us to close the gaps in reading and writing experienced by individuals with dyslexia. …

Zahavit Paz

Zahavit Paz is a Founder and Executive Director of as well as LD Resources Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization founded in 2001 (under IRS section 501(c) that helps find solutions to those who are affected by learning disabilities, Dyslexia and ADHD. Zahavit Paz is dedicated to empowering students and adults diagnosed with Learning Disabilities,…