Commonly known as ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a condition that produces a difficulty to concentrate, impulsiveness coupled with hyperactivity, disorganization, a low frustration tolerance, and other symptoms that can impair daily functioning.

Treatments and lifestyle changes can improve the quality of life for people with this condition. In fact, some well-known and successful people have been dealing with ADHD learning disability for most of their lives.

Like other people who are diagnosed with ADHD, athletes, singers, and film and television stars with the condition might find it difficult to focus, wander off tasks, talk excessively, fidget, and Act impulsively. 

The 10 celebrities mentioned here might have struggled to pay attention, experienced academic or professional problems, or become hyperactive as they’ve aged. These characteristics can cause people with the disorder to be misunderstood.

Those who don’t have ADHD may say that those who do are unmotivated, lazy, or problem children. Once people with ADHD disability reach adulthood, the condition can intensify. People might label these adults as irresponsible or flighty due to their inability to stay on task or remember important details and obligations.

When people learn that they have ADHD, they might experience different emotions.

For instance:

  • Relief – A diagnosis of ADHD could help people understand why they’re experiencing certain symptoms. It also validates the symptoms because people know they stem from a diagnosed condition.
  • Anger – After the relief has faded, people might become angry with those who didn’t initially understand the reasons why they seemed to lack motivation or became easily distracted. This could lead to frustration toward people who criticized the symptoms.
  • Sadness – People might experience grief for lives that could have turned out differently if they had been diagnosed earlier. They might feel sad about their youthful years when they struggled with school and life before their ADHD diagnosis.

Strategies for dealing with ADHD

Remember that it’s okay to feel emotions when you’re diagnosed with ADHD or learning how to live with it. The key is to come up with successful strategies.

Resorting to the use alcohol or drugs to alleviate the symptoms of these emotions — and possibly needing the services of drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers — is not the answer. Such tactics could increase any anger and sadness you’re already experiencing from a diagnosis and a life with the condition.

Instead, it’s best to face your emotions about ADHD head-on. Here are a few tips and resources to find emotional validation:

  1. Talk to other people about how you’re feeling and be willing to ask for help.
  2. Find an ADHD support group in your area. Meeting like-minded people who are experiencing the same thing can be very helpful.
  3. Continue to reassure yourself that your emotions are normal, even if they’re painful at the time.
  4. Consider working with an ADHD specialist who can listen and offer pointers on how to deal with the condition and live a healthy life.

Managing your symptoms

If you’ve been diagnosed with ADHD, it’s vital to work closely with medical professionals and therapists who can decide the best treatment options for you. Ask questions, and don’t be afraid to speak up if something isn’t working or doesn’t feel quite right.

Treatments vary from one individual to the next and can change. Despite successfully managing and monitoring your symptoms, over time due to your environment, stress or changes in your body a treatment protocol can change.

Communicate with your treatment providers about every nuance of your ADHD symptoms, as difficulties may arise with medication and situations. When taking medication, there may be times when you need to change your dose or change medications altogether. You may find it helpful to start behavioral therapy when (or if) you experience lifestyle changes and/or want to talk with someone.

Adding more structure to your life and getting more organized might be other keys to helping you manage your symptoms. Famous people who have had ADHD and reading difficulties may have tried such tactics to manage their condition and improve their lives.

10 Celebrities who have triumphed with ADHD

1. Michael Phelps – One of best swimmers ever, Phelps has won more Olympic gold medals than anyone else. His tips for managing ADHD include finding mood boosters, exercising, spending time outdoors, and eating a balanced diet.

2. Karina Smirnoff – A talented dancer, dancing coach, and partner on the television series Dancing with the Stars, Smirnoff believes that practicing mindfulness through stress reduction and meditation and her exercise training regimen all help her manage her ADHD and live her best life.

3. Howie Mandel – As one of the panel judges on America’s Got Talent, this funnyman is also a serious germophobe. Not only does he have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), but he’s living with ADHD as well. Mandel manages his symptoms by taking medication and attending therapy regularly.

4. Ty Pennington – Home improvement guru Pennington has been hyperactive and distracted since childhood. Doctors weren’t sure how to treat his problems, so they initially gave him antihistamines to make him drowsy. Currently, he sees a psychiatrist, occasionally takes medication in small doses, and channels his energy into his hobbies and career.

5. Adam Levine – Known as the front man for the band Maroon 5 and also as a prominent judge on the reality television show The Voice, Levine says that even though his parents helped him find treatment, his symptoms persisted into adulthood. He continues to deal with ADHD on a daily basis and credits his songwriting, reading, writing and relationship skills for helping him through each day.

6. Justin Timberlake – The multifaceted singer, actor, and designer has revealed that he has ADHD mixed with OCD (similar to Howie Mandel). While Timberlake is reserved on how he deals with his conditions, his work and long-running career seem to be proof that he’s managing his symptoms to lead a fulfilling life.

7. Paris Hilton – Hilton is a hotel heiress and socialite who has been on medication for ADHD since childhood.

8. Simone Biles – Biles is a highly decorated gymnast who has been taking Ritalin for her diagnosed ADHD. It appears that channeling her energy into athletics has helped her face ADHD and win Olympic and World Championship medals.

9. Solange Knowles – A singer, songwriter, actress, performance artist, and many other things (including Beyoncé’s sister), Solange Knowles had to obtain a second doctor’s opinion to prove that her symptoms weren’t all in her head.

10. Terry Bradshaw – Popular football player and sports commentator Bradshaw’s ADHD affected his personal and professional lives. In fact, the condition nearly ended his football career when he joined the Pittsburgh Steelers. Today, he’s learned to live with it through exercise, proper diet, medication, and therapy.


These are a few of the famous people who have learned to manage their ADHD symptoms, steer clear from addictive substances, and lead healthy lives. If you have ADHD, you might want to consider practicing the wellness approaches of these celebrities.